DNS Hosting
Getting your commercial website online is a three-fold process:
(1) Domain name registration.
(2) Domain Name Server hosting.
(3) Website hosting.
What is Domain Name Server hosting?
Domain Name Server(DNS) hosting activates your domain name that you have registered.
eis.net servers host the DNS records which are a directory of server names (eg. mail.yordomain.com, www.anotherdomain.com) and the Internet IP addresses where they can be found. Thereby making it visible to other machines on the Internet. It's a bit like what the white pages does for phone numbers.
How much will domain Name Server hosting cost me?
($160 for the first year, $135 for subsequent renewals)
How do I order?
1. Download this application form.
2. Fax it back to us and our support staff will contact you with instructions on how to upload your website and database.