Content Filtering

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The Australian Federal Government has introduced content regulation legislation for the Internet. This is to be administered by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

This means that from 1/1/2000 is required to provide our customers information about obtaining content filtering software that has been approved by the Internet Industry Association

This type of software should be used to filter Internet content for children under the age of 18. It is designed to block access to Internet sites that are classified as "prohibited" by the Australia Broadcasting Authority.

To download a trial version of an approved filtering program for Mac or Windows go to Another multi platform free trial program can be downloaded from Intego Net Barrier

Some other approved filters may be found at the following locations:

The parent-focused NetAlert website is full of advice and resources on Internet safety, the children's website is an online resource that helps young children learn how to use the Internet safely. The children's site includes an online Internet safety story book with online safety character "Netty", as well as games and membership to the Netty Club.

Due to the enormous increase in SPAM and Windows virus emails, all email boxes in the domain have basic anti-virus filtering enabled, and subcribes to the SPAM blacklist service which is regarded as one of the most comprehensive SPAM (DNSBL) blacklists.


We also scan each email for viruses and SPAM that were missed by the black lists, using j-chkmail, or Spamassassin, sometimes both, which assign a score to suspected SPAM, and placing the word {Spam?} or {SPAM} at the start of the Subject if the score exceeds a predetermined threshold, so users can set a filter rule in their email program (Outlook, Mac Mail etc.) to filter out any emails who's Subject contains {Spam?}or{SPAM} quite easily.

Windows users have a look at this Junkmail Article


We are gradually adding a new tag to the subject of some incoming emails which says [SPF:fail] When you see that in the subject, it means the email didn't arrive from a mail server that was authorized to send emails from the domain name that it claims to be from.

The owner of the domain didn't want the email blocked, just tagged. For the technically inclined, you can read more about Sender Policy Framework (SPF) here